Wednesday, June 6, 2007

my work

This is my first painting for this holidays..................... I tried few landscape before i reaaly did this work. I felt deeply with pain that i lost my talent becoz of my studies. But i gave a try and made these flowers and these are the flowers wic gave me confidence that i didn't lose my talent with aplomb.

The feed back i got for this painting , from my very best friend is as follows

"Your life should be as colourful
as your work ..............
and you should be smiling always like these flowers.

Fantatic work " my friend told .
I felt very happy about that comment.

Then the next day i tried my hand on sketching and i got a very good picture of my favourite footballer.....................................

Could you people guess who it is ..................

ok u can see i have written itz DAVID BECKHAM..................

Hez handsome right?

ok see u people with lots a ma work .
waiting for ur comments

1 comment:

Kartz said...

The flowers in your work remind me of William Wordsworths lines in his poem, The Daffodils.

"Tossing their heads in sprightly dance."
